6 circumstances you will need a lawyer4 min read

No it’s not when you want to sue or are about to be sued. If that’s why you are reading this article it’s probably too late, you already know you need a lawyer.

There are two professionals every business will need early on, the accountant and the lawyer. An accountant you can rationalize, you need to keep your books in order especially if you are looking to attract investors. A lawyer? Well, not so much.

Or you might not agree because it’s quite easy to incorporate your business yourself and you don’t plan on sueing anyone right? Wrong!

You are going to end up paying through your nose

Like we said, waiting to be sued is the wrong time to seek a lawyer. What’s left at that point is how much you have to pay (in court costs, lawyers’ fees, settlements and other expenses) to get the problem resolved.

One thing you need to know, it is very easy to get in court but difficult to get out once trapped.  So pay the lawyer a small amount of money to keep you out of court trouble.

Below are circumstances you will need a lawyer:

1. Business and Entrepreneurship

If you are running a business, you need the services of a lawyer who can help you make certain decisions. Such as whether the terms of entering into certain business relationship are fair, especially if you are not starting your business alone.

Drafting a founders’ agreement, advising on vesting, equity transfer etc. Let the lawyer take care of that.

2.  Intellectual property

Irrespective of your business type, this is one thing you want to have a handle on. It even becomes more important, if you are an inventor or  if you are in the entertainment, media, design or creative industry. Good ideas are easily pilfered and you need a lawyer to advise on copyright, trademarks or patents.

A sound lawyers can also advise you on IP licensing and assignment

3. Employment contracts

No these are not easy-peasy. As a matter of fact, if you don’t pay attention to employment contracts you sign, you might end up with various suits on you hands when you decide to part ways with an employee.
Lawyers are trained to look at a document and find out what’s missing and compare against what is present. In this case, they can help identify missing provisions such as certain employee benefits, employee-friendly termination provisions, IP assignment clauses among others.

4. Corporate governance

Finally, you have incorporated a company. It is now time to run your business and make some money.

What about maintaining your incorporation status? Yes they are on-going legal requirements you need to fulfill to maintain your status.

You need to hold annual shareholders, meetings and periodic directors meetings. The recordings of the minutes and election of officers must meet some basic requirements. You also need to make certain filings at the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).

Getting some of these things wrong can jeopardize your corporate status.

5. Investment & Financing

A lot of businesses end up seeking investment from Venture capitalists, banks or Angel investors. But are your documents in order?

If you plan to seek equity or debt financing for your business, you need a lawyer that can properly write and review all legal documents given to you by potential investors.

In the course of reviewing these documents, your lawyer can help you understand the impact the (debt or equity) investment agreement will have on other obligations and existing contracts with  suppliers or financial institutions.

6. Landlord/Tenant

If you have hunted for apartments or office spaces then you know a lot of agreements are drafted to benefit the landlord.

Ever signed those printed forms/documents you get once you are about to make payment? Just to let you know, they aren’t final and can be negotiable.

Your lawyer should be able to negotiate tenant-friendly provisions that will benefit you.

This is your business and not your home. It will not pay to constantly have landlord trouble hanging over your heads.

Choosing a lawyer

Running a business means you get involved in quite a few legal issues. Though as an entrepreneur, you are expected to wear many hats or bootstrap your way to success, sometimes it’s easier and more beneficial to leave complicated matters to the experts.

Trying to sort things out on your own could result in more complications for your business.

Before signing up with a lawyer, make sure you are both agreed on fees and payment terms.  Even if your business is yet to generate revenue, the wise thing to do if you need to hire a lawyer, is to agree on flexible payment arrangements with your lawyer and not not hire a lawyer.
Visit our Lawyer Directory, DIY Engage, to find a  lawyer near you.

If you are about to start a business and you are unsure about the core people you need, this free ebook is for you.