Intellectual PropertyStarting & Operating a Business
Take a minute to remember the many times you told a close friend a secret only to have someone else at a later date recount the entire details to you. I’m sure you’re nodding your head saying many times. You’d feel bad and betrayed. In business, it’s a lot worse. Not only do you feel […]...
Company Law
Dear Zainab, There’s this business name I registered a while ago although I have not used it for any business, my fiancé works at a bank and she told me I would still be fined for not paying taxes. Is that true? I’ve not even used it for anything at all oh! Futuristic Businessman. Hello […]...
Information TechnologyIntellectual Property
The internet belongs to nobody, therefore no law applies. Right? Wrong! There’s a reason the arm of the law is referred to as “the long arm of law”. It will get to you. In as much as running your company website is very key, there are two things you want to do. You want to […]...
Starting & Operating a Business
Hello Zainab, I am trying to incorporate my company and in the form I am supposed to appoint a company secretary. Do I really need a company secretary for my tech startup? Can’t I just get a receptionist to handle the documents. Yours, Broke Founder Broke Founder, LOLOLOLOL. I really cannot stop laughing out loud. […]...
Corporate GovernanceStarting & Operating a Business
By law, a company is seen as a distinct person, separate from the persons who formed it. This makes it a separate legal entity. The owners of a company are referred to as its members or shareholders. Because of its legal status, companies are given the same rights as a natural person which means that […]...
ContractsEmploymentIntellectual PropertyStarting & Operating a Business
No it’s not when you want to sue or are about to be sued. If that’s why you are reading this article it’s probably too late, you already know you need a lawyer. There are two professionals every business will need early on, the accountant and the lawyer. An accountant you can rationalize, you need […]...
ContractsImport & ExportStarting & Operating a Business
First of all, a gloat with my learned friends. If they ever sneer at you, asking “What do lawyers really do? Why do you want to collect all that money? Isn’t it just to write ‘heretobefore’?”, wave this judgement in their faces. Good lawyers help entrepreneurs and clients avoid losing money by asking the right […]...
Starting & Operating a Business
Hi Zainab, My co-founder works in the IT department of an oil company and earns a fat salary. In all fairness, he wrote most of the code when we initially started developing the software for our product although he was always behind schedule. Nowadays, he rarely shows up for meetings and does very little work. […]...
ContractsStarting & Operating a Business
Trademarks could be the bodyguard to your business. They are an important business asset that could protect your brand. Importantly, you can use, sell and license rights that come from your trademark and receive royalties. They make one of the core assets a business could have. Licensing your trademark can be a beneficial business strategy […]...
Company LawStarting & Operating a Business
Company LawInvestments & Financing
Would a term sheet be sufficient for investment documentation? This is what resource person, Subomi Oraka, demystifies in this Speed Lawyering episode. ...
Information TechnologyIntellectual Property
Senetor Ihenyen, explains how to protect software in Nigeria....