Whether it is a business name, a limited liability company or a partnership, you need to have some form of entity through which you and others would participate in and run your startup. This entity would possess enabling and creating documents, which are most likely documents you filed and received from the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
Typically, a limited liability company’s documentation (which is the most popular) would include your:
1. Certificate of Incorporation;
2. Form CAC 2 (Statement of Share Capital & Return on Allotment of Shares);
3. Form CAC 7 (Particulars of Persons who are First Directors);
4. Form CAC 3 (Notice of Situation/Change of Registered Address);
5. Form CAC 5 (Particulars of Person who is Company Secretary); and
6. Memorandum & Articles of Association, commonly referred to as your MEMARTs.