FAQS about incorporating a company1 min read

Hello Zainab,

I am trying to incorporate my company and in the form I am supposed to appoint a company secretary. Do I really need a company secretary for my tech startup? Can’t I just get a receptionist to handle the documents.


Broke Founder

Broke Founder,

LOLOLOLOL. I really cannot stop laughing out loud. You think the job of a company secretary is to collect and send out mails?

*Sigh*. The job of a company secretary is to ensure that the company complies with corporate laws, and keeps board members informed of their legal responsibilities. Specifically the company secretary is expected to attend all company meetings and send out the notice and agenda for such meetings; maintain statutory registers and company records, record minutes at company meetings, ensure timely filing of corporate documents, exercise powers assigned to directors. This ebook should help you out.

Although not compulsory at incorporation, it is good corporate governance to appoint a company secretary especially as the company will be unable to make any filings at the CAC until a company secretary is appointed. These days, banks ask companies to provide evidence of filing a company secretary during account opening.

Company secretaries are typically lawyers or accountants. However, If you cannot afford either at this point, you or any other director can be appointed as a company secretary for the time being.

All the best with your venture!